SchoolTool - Správa systému

SchoolTool - Prístup z iných počítačov (alebo nie)

V SchoolTool 2008.4, novo nainštalovaný SchoolTool server je prednastavený aby nebol prístupný cez sieť. Ďaľšie kroky pre povolenie prístupu z iných počítačov sú popísane nižšie. Pravdepodobne zmeníme toto fungovanie v budúcom vydaní, aby bolo viac zhodné s očakávania mi použivatelov.

Spristúpenie webového prostredia z iných počítačov

Upravte /etc/schooltool/schooltool-2008/paste.ini ako root. Ku príkladu:

sudo nano /etc/schooltool/schooltool-2008/paste.ini

Zmenňte riadok host = na čítanie(???):

host =

Potom budete musieť reštartovať SchoolTool, pokračujte podla inštrukcií Initial Setup Process

Spristúpenie webového prostredia len zo serveru

Toto je primárne používane na testovanie servera pred spustením alebo keď SchoolTool beží na laptope alebo desktop PC a je používaný len na tom počítači.

Upravte súbor paste.ini ktorý je je uvedený hore na nastavenia:

host =

SchoolTool - Základná správa databázy

Základná správa databázy

Na rozdiel od väčšíny webových aplikácií, SchoolTool nepoužíva relačé databázy ako napríklad MySQL alebo PostgreSQL. SchoolTool používa Zope Object Database alebo ZODB. ZODB má neaké špecifické vlastnosti, o ktorých by správca SchoolTool mal byť vedomí.

Kde sú dáta?

Všetky dáta použíté v SchoolTool sú uložené v súbore ktorý sa volá schooltool-(verzia)-Data.fs. V Ubuntu tento súbor môže byť nájdení v /var/lib/schooltool zložke.Napríklad, v SchoolTool 2008, súbor s databázou je v /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs. Ďalšie súbory v tejto zložke končiace na .index, .lock, and .tmp, sú použíté v SchoolTool na rôzne účely, ale neobsahujú žiadne dáta o vašej škole. To je ono, môžeme zalohovať všetky dáta pomocou len jedného -Data.fs súboru.

Automatic backups

Whenever SchoolTool is updated to a new version via Ubuntu’s update mechanisms, it creates a backup of the current database. It also compresses and retains previous backups. The most recent back up in /var/lib/schooltool/ has a .0 appended, like schooltool-2008-Data.fs.0. Older backups are also gzipped, with increasing numbers as suffixes. schooltool-2008-Data.fs.2.gz is older than schooltool-2008-Data.fs.1.gz for example.

How do I do a manual backup?

While it is possible to do a “hot” backup of SchoolTool’s database while the application is running, for the sake of simplicity, in this document we will just cover a standard backup. Basically, just stop SchoolTool, copy Data.fs, and restart the server:

sudo /etc/init.d/schooltool-2008 stop
sudo cp /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs /media/backups/schooltool-2008-Data.fs-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
sudo /etc/init.d/schooltool-2008 start

Substitute the actual location of your backup in the place of /media/backups. The date +%Y%m%d-%H%M command embedded into the cp command is a bash command to embed the current date and time into the filename. That will allow you to keep a bunch of backups by date easily. Of course, if you’ve got a more sophisticated backup system than cp, by all means use that!

Restoring from an Backup

In most cases, if you need to return to a previous automatic database backup, you should stop SchoolTool, rename the current Data.fs just in case you do need it later, remove the .0 from the most recent backup, and restart the server:

sudo /etc/init.d/schooltool-2008 stop
sudo mv /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs.bad
sudo mv /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs.0 /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs
sudo /etc/init.d/schooltool-2008 start

If you need to try an even older backup, ungzip it:

sudo gunzip /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs.1.gz

The procedure for restoring from a previous manual backup is the same, that is, copy the file to the Data.fs position, except only you know where it is coming from.

What if My Database is Empty After an Upgrade?

If something goes awry during the backup process, it is possible that your current database will be moved .0 first backup position but a blank database will be in the “current” Data.fs position:

sudo mv /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs.0 /var/lib/schooltool-2008-Data.fs

How can I erase the entire database?

Delete the -Data.fs file. This is, of course, permanent. If there is the slightest chance you’ll ever want that data, moving rather than deleting the file is advisable.

Packing the database.

The ZODB is designed to keep a record of transactions, which can be used by an application to allow “undo” functionality. One implication of this, however, is that the database file grows in size as it stores a longer and longer list of changes to each object. To shrink the database back to a more efficient size, one can “pack” it.

Because SchoolTool does not allow you to undo transactions, you can pack the database at any time. It does not have to be done very frequently, not daily. Monthly or weekly should suffice, but your mileage may vary. It may be something you do prior to high demand periods, such as before teachers submit grades. Backing up your database prior to packing it should not be necessary, but also is not a bad idea.

To pack the database via the web, log in as a site manager, click on the Manage link at the top of the page, then select the Application Control link, and then the ZODB Control button:


By default, all your data will be in one database as shown above. Check the box in the pack column next to the name of the database, and click the Pack button. Packing will take several minutes and puts a load on the server, so do this at an off-peak time. Leave the browser open until the page re-loads.